CoolSculpting CoolSmooth

Introducing CoolSmooth, the newest FDA-approved version of CoolSculpting. This newer device allows much more flexible and individualized treatments, including contour bulges that could not be treated with the original cooler machine!

About CoolSmooth

CoolSmooth is the newest FDA-approved version of CoolSculpting. Originally cleared for treatment in stubborn fat deposits on your abdomen and flanks, this new shorter procedure can reduce unwanted skin thickness on thighs that’s been tough to remove otherwise!

CoolSmooth is a new and revolutionary treatment for reducing fat that comes from everywhere. The cool applicator treats the fatty tissue, making it safer by cooling off to an appropriate temperature where cells die on their own but don’t harm surrounding tissues or muscle groups with heat damage in your body when you’re done!

Discover the Power of CoolSmooth at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

  • Treatment of stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen and flanks
  • Reduce unwanted fat on the outer thighs
  • Allows much more flexible and individualized treatments including contour bulges that could not be treated with the original version
  • Reduction in stubborn fat that can be visible within weeks of treatment
  • FDA-approved

Client Testimonials

"Super clean, welcoming and comfortable appointment. They took amazing care of me and my procedure was so quick and painless. Gentle touch and will def be back!"

-Michelle N.

"Excellent customer service. Knowledgeable & friendly staff. Looking forward to my next appointment."

-Charles C.

"Love this place!!! BHRC is absolutely amazing! They have a ton of different services in a single office so they make it super easy. The staff was really friendly & the quality of the service is off the charts! Thanks."

-Arman S.

CoolSmooth FAQ's

CoolSmooth is a new and revolutionary treatment for reducing fat that comes from everywhere. The cool applicator treats the fatty tissue, making it safer by cooling off to an appropriate temperature where cells die on their own but don’t harm surrounding tissues or muscle groups with heat damage in your body when you’re done!

The cost of a CoolSmooth treatment widely depends on the area you are choosing to treat and the number of sessions you receive. Most sessions start at around $750 and go up from there.

When fat cells freeze, they die and are then naturally eliminated through the body’s natural process. Don’t worry: This process happens so gradually, you won’t necessarily notice a difference in your day-to-day life. It is possible to gain weight after treatment if you don’t keep up your healthy habits.

The best way to sculpt your body is with CoolSculpting CoolSmooth. Studies show that this noninvasive, nonsurgical medical procedure can help remove extra fat cells from beneath the skin and provide several benefits over traditional surgical procedures such as being painless or requiring fewer appointments!

CoolSculpting CoolSmooth can result in the elimination of localized fat cells, but do not expect to really lose weight. If you carry 10 pounds of fat in your stomach and eliminate 26% of the fat cells in the treatment area, you can expect to lose around 2.6 pounds of fat from one session.

CoolSculpting CoolSmooth has been proven to be an effective way of reducing belly fat, and studies show that it can help protect you from certain health problems. If your goal is more than just improving aesthetics then this procedure may also suit what’s going on inside!

If you are trying to eliminate unwanted fat from a small area, you may lose half of an inch at most. If you are eliminating unwanted fat from a large area, like your chest or stomach, you may lose two or three inches of fat.

CoolSculpting CoolSmooth is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in most people. However, there are some who should not receive this procedure: cryoglobulinemia sufferers with cold agglutinin disease or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria; those that have epilepsy or migraines associated with changes in temperature sensitivity (ichtyosis) – all these disorders can cause complications from CoolSculping CoolSmooth treatments! It’s important to talk to your doctor prior to receiving any CoolSculpting treatment.

* Source – CoolSculpting Important Safety Information

Tell your doctor if you have any medical conditions including recent surgery, pre-existing hernia, and any known sensitivities or allergies.

* Source – CoolSculpting Important Safety Information

In the days before your CoolSculpting CoolSmooth treatment, you’ll want to avoid any medications or supplements that can thin the blood such as fish oil, aspirin, and ibuprofen. Be aware of some blood-thinning herbal supplements too, like ginger and turmeric. Taking a blood-thinner prior to your treatment can increase bruising. You should also avoid smoking in the week before your procedure. Smoking can delay your healing process and increase the time it takes to see results.

According to the Center for Aesthetics, it can take two to four months before you see the full results of your CoolSculpting CoolSmooth treatment. You shouldn’t have long-term discomfort for this entire time, but you may have side effects for a few weeks after treatment.

To make yourself more comfortable, consider the following tips for aftercare: wear comfortable clothing, such as yoga pants, consider compression clothing, keep moving to reduce pain and inflammation, report any severe side effects to your doctor right away.

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